Major Shift for Supercoherence – The 7th Sense


This teleconference was important for me. We got back in touch with many readers of Supercoherence – The 7th Sense after almost a year. I am not proud that it took so long to do this.  I had been meaning to do this for a long time and was grateful that many registered for the teleconference.

Since the book was written and published radical changes had taken place which I was happy to share.

The deep hidden secret which revealed itself in 2008 and caused a major and unexpected shift since the Book Supercoherence – The 7th Sense was published.

The future without VRIC imaging.

The discovery of the new Supercoherence Return To Love Frequencies, what they are and what they do.

The future for the Supercoherence process and Program and much more.

Click on the ‘Play’ button below to listen to the recording.

For those of you who participated in last night’s teleconference, I would love to know what you thought of the teleconference and I value your contribution and insights. Please leave me your comments. Is there anything else you would have liked to know, what would you have liked to be done differently? Please tell me in the comments below.


3 thoughts on “Major Shift for Supercoherence – The 7th Sense

  1. Simon Buxton

    Thank you Thrity for a very easy to understand teleconference, you painted pictures with your words which helped me. The advances in biolumanatics with the RTLF is mind blowing. I dont know if youve seen a film called “The box” with Cameron Diaz but the two things are so alike its untrue.(technologically speaking).
    You have in your hands the most powerful tool to help humanity get back to the source, God, the universe, using the Unified field. Writting this I have butterflies again in my stomach and the hairs on the back of my neck are on end. I know that what your talking about is true and am willing to take it on blind faith,as most everything I am reading, the kundalini yoga I practice, and the trancendental meditiation I use to ground myself to myself is available in your RTLF….wow I am in process of ordering the RTLF and am looking forward to just let the grace and love take over me and re-start my life. (I recently turned 40 and they say that life begins at 40) well it certainly will for me now. As for questions, Im a bit too high right now to think, this is sooo exciting, but I promise to calm down and send my questions to you. Please consider putting the teleconference on Youtube as this will have a massive impact. I am working at an Anthroposophic foundation who take care of autistic and mentally challenged, and have already contacted the heirachy in Järna about supercoherence and RTLF. I know your having a practitioners course in London next may, if you would like to do a practioners course here in Sweden you always have a place to stay at my farm. Take care, God bless, Sat Nam……Simon

    1. Thrity Post author

      Hi Simon
      Thank you for your feedback and for truly “getting it”. When you say your hair stood on end , it reminded me of my response all those years ago, when I heard Patrick speak on the phone of the Luminator for the first time, that is exactly what happened to me. And what an adventure it has been – Thank you for wanting to be part of it – you are very welcome. I love your enthusiasm.
      In this system you do not need blind faith, which you talk about – but a non linear understanding as the images show us beyond a shadow of a doubt, what is really taking place at the quantum level. So what we knew, but could never “prove” in linear science is now proved so a child can understand it, but a great scientist cannot. The cosmic joker in full form.
      Thanks for your kind offer of hospitality, I am sure we wil meet.

  2. Fenella Gabriel

    Dear Thrity,

    The teleconference was great, useful and clear. It is always inspirational to get together and I am sure that the linking together creates another forward impetus. All of the questions had relevance, some to remind and some to clarify, always helpful because do the mind likes to be on board, even though it can’t “understand” how the RTLF’s work 🙂

    I was able to make notes all the way through, so the pace was perfect. It helped that we weren’t all automatically “live” ie could speak and be heard without pressing *2. This always slows things down and makes it hard to hear. It did take some time to get onto the call due to a different number given after dialling and then it took four attempts to have the code accepted, I persevered!

    On reflection, I realise we didn’t cover the “Panic to Calm” or the “I am” frequencies really, maybe this will come later, more on these would be valuable.

    Once again, dear Thrity, thank you for your continuing energy and dedication to this enormous enhancement to our life. I can surely say that the frequencies have enabled me to come to a place that I have never been before and to feel a sense of surety about all that I do. I know that I can fly!

    With love

    I have been searching on the site for the “How To” on clearing the family, but cannot see it, I want to pass the link onto some of my clients who have the RTLF’s and who weren’t on the call. Can you tell me where I should look? I will now do this with all my clients as it makes enormous sense.

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