Module Life Review


Life Review

In this Module of the Supercoherence Transformation Program we take a look at our lives with the aid of the “retrospectoscope” and seek to view- and review- it from the perspective of the Eye of the Soul.

Even though life needs to be lived in the present and “forwards” it can often only really be fully seen and understood with the aid of hindsight. We’d love to have you join us to discuss and do group clearings on emotional issues and feeling states that relate to the “What If….” and “If Only….” moments we can perhaps all identify with when looking back on our lives.

As we take a look back on our lives, we perhaps all have occasions when we wish things could have been different, or in which we could have been different or made different choices, or all of the above! Although we can and often do move on from these events, they can nevertheless leave residual impacts or imprints in the light-energy-information field (LEIF), which continue to exert an effect on our perception, which in turn influences all our thoughts, feelings and actions- in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, and whether we are aware of this influence or not.

Here at CETS and the Supercoherence System, we believe that clearing and reconfiguring these old imprints, and the patterns, programs and the limiting beliefs that can often accompany them at the level of the LEIF is an important and necessary step in moving into a new paradigm, and coming more fully into a heart and soul-based way of living.

Or to put it another way, it is useful and necessary to clear the load/ baggage of the past so that we can move forward with greater love, clarity, ease, grace and lightness; seeing and witnessing through the Eye of the Soul.

During the calls we will explore and seek to transform:

Remorse and Guilt into Radical Forgiveness
Regret and Shame into Acceptance and Radical Self-Love
Resentment into Self-Responsibility and Empowerment
Disappointment into Appreciation and Fulfilment
Disenchantment and Despair into Hope and Joy
Doubt and Distrust into Trust and Surrender

…to help restore the balance between the impact of painful events and the beauty of joyful, fulfilling moments; and the growth and life-enhancing opportunities offered by both.
By choosing to view them ALL through the lens of the Soul’s perspective, we can come to a more loving place of greater understanding, joy, ease and grace within ourselves and in our lives.

NB: The Supercoherence Transformation Program is modular, and the modules can the taken in any order.

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